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Corporate Justice Stances

Our congregation’s ministry, prayer and policies are grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Constitutions of our Congregation. Gospel values challenge us to publicly stand in solidarity with the “young, the poor, and the vulnerable.” We witness our faith by rejecting activities or practices that deliberately abuse, destroy, or deny our sacred humanity or the beauty and abundance of God’s creation. Below are the public stances embraced and endorsed by members of our Congregation.


Grounded in God, we commit
to be women of hope and peace in the face of violence.
In Christ Jesus, we take a long, loving look at what is real
and respond with mercy and justice.  

We live in a world of sacred diversity.  

The Gospel call us to go to the margins as missionary disciples.
Our pilgrimage of the heart invites
us to a deeper understanding of culture as an act of justice,
honoring diversity in a globalized world.  

We work for the sustainability of Earth, our sacred home,
conscious that we are interdependent with all of creation.

--Excerpt Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose 25th General Chapter Direction Statement 2016


Corporate Justice Stances


Corporate Stance to Abolish the Death Penalty

In Support of Abolishing the Death Penalty:   We, the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of the Queen of the Holy Rosary, an international Congregation of consecrated women, affirming the sacredness and dignity of all human life, oppose the death penalty as immoral.  

In so doing, we stand in solidarity with Pope Francis, Dominicans throughout the world, other religious Congregations, and all people who call for the abolition of the death penalty on religious, moral, or humanitarian grounds.  

In so doing, we stand in solidarity with Pope Francis, Dominicans throughout the world, other religious Congregations, and all people who call for the abolition of the death penalty on religious, moral, or humanitarian grounds.  

We commit to working toward an end of state sanctioned killing by:

  • Learning as much as possible about the issue of the death penalty

  • Standing against the culture of violence prevalent in our society

  • Addressing issues of restorative justice

  • Reaching out in compassion to the victims

  • Reaching out in compassion to the accused ­

  • Reaching out in compassion to the families of victims and families of the accused to support them in their loss and pain  


Corporate Stance in Opposition to Human Trafficking

We, the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of the Queen of the Holy Rosary, an international congregation of consecrated women, stand in support of human rights by opposing trafficking of all persons, especially of women and children, for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor.  

We commit:

  • To Congregation wide prayer for the end of the grave injustice of trafficking of persons for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor

  • To educate ourselves and others regarding the magnitude, causes and consequences of this abuse

  • To collaborate with advocacy groups (i.e., our Non-Governmental Organization affiliations, the Dominican Sisters Federation USA, the Dominican Leadership Conference, other religious congregations, the United States

  • To advocate for policies and programs that address the prevention of trafficking and/or provide alternatives to women and children in danger of being trafficked

  • To collaborate in the support of recovery programs for those entrapped, and to support healing presence for

  • To use our economic power, our strength as consumers and investors to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society, a society that works against incentives for trafficking


Corporate Stance Against Nuclear Arms

As an international Congregation, we the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, stand in opposition to a United States pre-emptive strike against Iraq or any other nation. We implore the United States to respect the United Nations process. We are committed to this in view of the Gospel mandate for peace, justice, and the care of life.


Corporate Stance for Human Rights

We, the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of the Queen of the Holy Rosary, acknowledge and denounce specific violations of human rights in our day:

  • Exploitation and violence against women and children, trafficking of persons,

  • Violations against the free determination of indigenous persons: their culture, land, natural resources,

  • Indifference to the plight of immigrants and situations of domination against human life,

  • Unjust incarceration and the use of torture, violence against human life.


Crucifixion © 2016 by John August Swanson Poster, 19" x 13" JohnAugustSwanson.com

Song of Peace © 2020 by John August Swanson Poster, 19" x 13" JohnAugustSwanson.com

In 1511, Fray Antonio de Montesinos, a Dominican friar, preached an impassioned sermon in Hispaniola denouncing the inhumane treatment of the indigenous in America.  Since then Antonio de Montesinos has been an inspiration for Dominicans and many others to raise their voices for the cause of peace and justice.    Photo credit:  dominicos.org.


Immigration Faces © 2015 by John August Swanson Poster, 19" x 13" JohnAugustSwanson.com